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Home > Lebanese Singers > Myriam Fares
Myriam Fares
Myriam Fares
Myriam Fares is a Lebanese singer and dancer, born on May 3, 1983 in Kfar Shlel, South Lebanon.

Myriam started her career in arts at a very young age. In 1992 she won the first prize for oriental dancing in Al-Mawahib Al-Saghira young talents show. In 1999 she won first prize in the Lebanese Song Festival, and in 2000 she won a gold medal in Studio El-Fan talent show. All that gave her wide exposure and has started her professional music and entertainment career.

In 2003 Myriam Fares released her first album Myriam, and her first music video for Ana Wel Shoq song was a big success. She then released several albums including Nadini and Bet2oul Eh, which included several hit songs such as Ha2le2 Ra7tak, Wahishni Eh, Mokano Wein, Mish Ananiya, Iyyam El-Shiti, Betrou7.

Myriam also has an acting career that includes the leading role in Silina movie (a remake of the Rahbani Brothers Hala wal malek theater play), Fawazeer Myriam during Ramadan 2010, in addition to several advertisements.

Myriam has participated in several local and international festivals and concerts, and has received several awards.

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Topic Info

Topic URL:www.lebweb.com/myriam-fares
Section: Lebanese Singers

Myriam Faris - Miriam Fares - Miriam Faris - Meriam Fares

Added On:4/15/2011


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