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Home > Lebanese Singers > Carole Samaha
Carole Samaha
Carole Samaha
Carole Samaha is a Lebanese singer and actress, born in Khenchara, Mount Lebanon. She started her career as an actress in 1995, and in 2003 she released her first album as a singer.

Carole Samaha has released several Arabic pop music albums, including Oughniat El Toufoula, Helm, Ana Horra, Adwaa Al Shohra, Hdoudi Sama. Her famous songs include Ettala3 Fiyyi, Ghali 3alayi, Ya Rab, Khallik Bhalak.

Carole has participated in several theatrical plays and TV series, including The Last Days of Socrate, Imara Min Hal Zaman, Bi Sabah el-Alf el-Talet, Abu Tayyeb Al-Mutanabbi.

Carole Samaha has won several International and Arabic music awards, including the Arab Music Award and Murex d'Or.

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Topic Info

Topic URL:www.lebweb.com/carole-samaha
Section: Lebanese Singers

Karole Samaha - Karol Smaha - Karol Samaha - Carole Smaha

Added On:4/15/2011


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